MCU of yellow and black caterpillar with long, spiky hairs. MCU of pale praying mantis. MCU of bright green grasshopper. SA HA FA MCU MS CU of flat frog on green leaf, its throat vibrating; view of face, frog has gold eyes and green polka-dotted skin. MS of insect (mosquito?). LA MS MCU of green lizard (chameleon?) slowly crawling on branch, its eye moving all around. LA CU ECU of brown lizard (chameleon?), views of its face, feet, eyes while it slowly crawls along branch. SA LA MS MCU of lizard (chameleon?) slowly crawling up tree, surrounded by green leaves, skin around eyes is darkened. MCU of insect (millipede?) inching along branch. MCU CU MS of caterpillar eating green leaf in neat rows, walking along twig. (44470)