ELS of many belugas in repose. CU of beached beluga. LS of beached beluga. ECU of beluga's blowhole. ECU of beluga's mouth and eye (microphone momentariely in shot). MS of beluga on rocks. MLS of beluga in water. MCU PAN along body of beluga. CU of tail of beached beluga. ECU of beluga's eye. LS of water starting to crawl up onto dry land. MCU PAN RIGHT along beluga. CU of beluga splashing in water. CU of water rippling along ground. MLS of beluga splashing, half covered with water. MS of different beluga swimming with head above water. MS of beluga splashing, almost completely covered with water. MS of beluga freeing itself, PAN RIGHT as beluga swims away. LS of beluga joining a couple of others. LS of glimmering water, beluga breaking surface momentarily. MS of tail of whale rising out of water. (213)