ELS of sky at sunset. MLS TILT UP as murre flies up, then lands. MCU of baby murre fluttering its wings. MS of father murre ushering baby murre along rocks. MLS of mother and baby moving along, different adult attacking baby, mother retaliating with vicious peck. MS of mother and baby pressing on, mother flapping wings at other adults in desperate attempt to defend her young chick. MLS of father and baby keeping wading through crowd of murres. MCU of the two murres continuing moving across crowded rocks. LS of baby murre leaping off cliff. LS of father murre catching up with baby; the two flying through air. LS of mother and baby landing on water (the baby's landing is a little rough). Slow motion MCU of baby murre jumping off cliff (profile). Slow motion MCU of baby murre jumping off cliff (frontal shot). Slow motion MCU of different baby leaping off cliff (profile). LS of mother and baby landing on water. MS PAN RIGHT to FOLLOW of baby murre swimming. LS of several murres swimming about. MLS PAN LEFT to FOLLOW of baby murre swimming. (213)