MS of bear in rapids. MS of bears wading on top of small waterfalls, one leaving. MCU of two bears at falls, gulls in flight passing camera, one bear leaving. MCU of bear almost facing camera. Short MS of bear walking by high grass. MS of adult and baby bears walking on path, log in foreground blocking part of the view. MLS of adult with one cub stopped on path. MLS of adult and cub walking along shoreline, PAN along shore (no bears). MS of water and shoreline with bushes, bear and cubs walking in view, then sometimes hidden behind bushes. MS of blowing high grass and flowing water. MCU of small patch of ground with many broken branches and water on either side, bear and cubs walking on land and looking around (one cubs stands up), they all leave eventually. MS of bear in high grasses in water, gulls on small strip of land, waves rolling behind them. MS of strip of land, waves behind it and gull on it (some flying off), PAN to bear cubs and mother. (37138)