LS/TILT UP from ground (in silhouette) to sunset on lake (mountains silhouetted in background), bear (in silhouette) walking along shore, slight TILT DOWN as camera follows bear. Short shot of sunset behind silhouette of mountains, orange reflection of sun on water. MLS of bear walking along shore, looking around, then coming towards camera (sun behind snow-covered mountains in background). JUMPY SHOTS. MCU silhouette of leaves, branches and grasses, (sun making water in background look yellow), FOLLOW SHOT of bear in silhouette moving past camera. MCU of silhouette of bear by rippling water. MS of bear lying down on shore, PAN to bear walking on beach (gull nearby). VAR MS of bear in water, eating fish, another bear approaching from shore, sniffing each other, bear on shore leaving. VAR HAMCU of a sockeye salmon in shallow water. JUMPY SHOTS of water, bear, then CU of gull on water, PAN to CU of bear eating a fish. MCU of bear eating a fish in tall grass. (37240)