Scenic WS of brown valley and mountains, cloudy blue sky, green ground in foreground, antlers lying on green ground in some shots. MS of partially wet bear, its hind legs in flowing water of falls, eating fish lying on rock. MCU of bear leaving the fish on rock, out of focus gull flying in foreground, sockeye salmon jumping in falls in background. MCU of bear, at falls, a fish in mouth, bringing it to rock, eating it. VAR MS of bear looking at water. MS of bear walking in water by falls, stopping and looking around. MS of bear eating fish in water, shoreline in background. VAR MS of bear walking in rapids with a fish in its mouth, gull on rock in background, bear stopping, another gull eating dead fish left in water in background. MS of bear catching fish, bringing it to shore. MS of gulls on rock in water. MS of gull near shore, water flowing in foreground. MCU of bear, fish in its mouth, putting in [water], biting it, then picking it up again (fish has gash in its side). (37385)