VAR (MS/MCU SA/RA) of large beaver with vegetation (food) in mouth, struggling to get out of water during snowfall, sitting in snow by water, eating vegetation, beaver resembling huge wet rat (multiple takes); beaver at surface of water (floating?); beaver submerging from surface; beaver swimming at surface with vegetation in mouth. (VAR) MS FA of beaver with vegetation in mouth in snow. MS SA of two swans gliding on surface of water, snow on ground around water, nice shots (multiple takes). MS SA/RA slow motion of two swans "walking on water", running on water as they flap their wings, then starting to fly, great shot. MS FA/SA beaver chewing on vegetation in water, submerging. MS FA/RA of otter swimming toward beaver on land, beaver disappearing into water, otter also submerging. MS RA/SA of beaver coming onto land with vegetation in mouth, otter is curious, cautiously approaching beaver, beaver scaring otter (beaver is twice the size of the otter), otter shaking water off head (good sequence). (42104)