AERIAL of Richard Connor's boat in Shark Bay, Australia. AERIAL of Richard Connor's boat. MCU of Richard Connor on boat with assistant. MS of dolphins porpoising, leaping. CU of Richard Connor, PAN RIGHT to assistant. MWS of dolphins porpoising, leaping. MCU of assistant looking through binoculars, on boat. MS of dolphins near surface, tail slapping, porpoising. MCU of assistant on boat, looking through binoculars, PAN RIGHT to Richard Connor. MWS of dolphins porpoising (leaping travel) away from camera. CU of Richard Connor's face. MS of dolphins surfacing, ZOOM IN. MCU of Richard Connor. MCU of dolphin at surface/blowing. Profile MCU of Richard Connor looking through binoculars. MCU of several dolphins surfacing in close group. CU of dolphin dorsal fin. MWS of several dolphins at surface of water next to Richard Connor in his boat. MCU of Richard Connor looking over side of boat to group of dolphins surfacing in very clear water. (680)