STK-ID 43868

HA MS of Johnny Rook perched on rock, spreading its wings and taking off, black-browed albatross in background. MS PAN LEFT of Johnny Rook in flight with rockhopper penguin chick in beak. MCU FA of Johnny Rook flying in and landing with chick in beak. MS of Johnny Rook hopping over to its nest with chick in beak to feed juvenile Johnny Rook. MCU FA of face of juvenile Johnny Rook with mouth open. MS of adult and juvenile Johnny Rooks in nest, adult holding meat for juvenile. MCU of heads of adult and juvenile Johnny Rooks as adult feeds meat to juvenile. ECU of faces of adult and juvenile Johnny Rooks as adult feeds meat to juvenile. MS of adult Johnny Rook flying off, juvenile remaining at nest.


Extrait du film
Malouines (îles)
National Geographic
Formats disponibles
Digital Beta, Video Disque Digital
Format de tournage
Betacam digital 4/3
Format de l'image