STK-ID 43869

MCU of rocks. MCU TS of juvenile Johnny Rook walking behind rocks from right side of picture to left. MCU of head of juvenile Johnny Rook. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook walking with head down toward adult and crying. MS of adult and juvenile Johnny Rooks standing among rocks and tufts of tussock grass, adult walking away from juvenile. MCU of back of juvenile Johnny Rook's head, juvenile crying, then walking with head down. MS of Johnny Rook perched on top of rock against blue sky, then taking off and flying. MS TS of Johnny Rook in flight. MS FA of Johnny Rook flying toward camera, landing on ground, starting to attack juvenile Johnny Rook with another adult, driving it away. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook rolling on its back with its talons up as protection, then flapping away.


Extrait du film
Malouines (îles)
National Geographic
Formats disponibles
Digital Beta, Video Disque Digital
Format de tournage
Betacam digital 4/3
Format de l'image