STK-ID 43883

MS of juvenile Johnny Rook in Mark Smith's and Jane Watson's camp, grasping the backpack stove with its beak, dragging it off, other juvenile Johnny Rooks watching. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook flying to top of tent, joining a second juvenile Johnny Rook, pulling and tearing at tent fabric. MS of three juvenile Johnny Rooks grasping tent guy line ropes and pulling. MCU SA of juvenile Johnny Rook pulling at tent guy line, pulling up tent stake, pulling on line, letting go, then walking forward to grasp line again and pulling. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook pulling hard at tent rope. MCU of where rope is attached on tent, tent moving as juvenile Johnny Rook pulls (two shots). MS of collapsed tent and juvenile Johnny Rooks. HA MCU of juvenile Johnny Rook grasping metal pot with food, pulling it out from under collapsed tent. LA MS of juvenile Johnny Rooks eating out of pot of food. MS of tent in foreground, wildlife filmmakers Mark Smith and Jane Watson approaching camp, juvenile Johnny Rook flying to top of tent and landing. VAR (including LA MS) of flock of juvenile Johnny Rooks, one grasping toilet paper roll and unrolling paper, several pull on toilet paper like tug-of-war; rolling strand of toilet paper; one chasing after strand of toilet paper, blowing past another, strand coming to rest, one picking it up and flying off away with it, then landing and flying off again.


Extrait du film
Malouines (îles)
National Geographic
Formats disponibles
Digital Beta, Video Disque Digital
Format de tournage
Betacam digital 4/3
Format de l'image