MCU SA of two adult Johnny Rooks facing left side of picture, throwing their heads back and calling. MS FA of two adult Johnny Rooks throwing their heads back and calling, black-browed albatross in background. ECU of head of adult Johnny Rook as it throws its head back and calls, then it lowers its head and feeds on penguin carcass, joined by the other adult Johnny Rook. MS RA of juvenile Johnny Rook perched on rocks at edge of water, ocean in background, then flying off. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook in flight, landing on rock. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook standing among rocks on shore, picking at a bird carcass. MCU of juvenile Johnny Rook standing on beach right at edge of water, head lowered. MS of group of juvenile Johnny Rooks perched among rocks. MCU of head of juvenile Johnny Rook facing right side of picture.