FOCUS IN to EWS of buffalo herd, cloudy skies. WS of buffalo herd walking right. WS of dust over small pool, dissolve. FOCUS IN to WS of rain over small pool. CU of heads of crocodile and hippopotamus in mud and rain. CU of head of croc with tail over it moving in mud in rain. CU of fish flapping in mud in front of head of croc in rain. MS of bird sitting in mud in rain. WS of hippo yawning in pool in rain amidst crocs. CU of plover sitting on nest in rain. MS of croc in pool in rain. WS of crocs snapping in muddy pool in rain. CU of croc in mud. CU of heads of crocodiles in mud, hippo in background. CU of crocs in mud, eating old food. CU of hippo drinking at pool. CU of plover on nest, dissolve. (224)