UNDERWATER MS to MCU of baby alligator swimming up from vegetation-covered shallow water bottom to surface; TRAVELLING in close as baby alligator swims toward surface, sky and clouds visible above surface. UNDERWATER MS of baby alligator swimming into frame from right, heading toward bottom of shallow area of water; baby alligator swimming out of frame to the left; much vegetation. UNDERWATER MS of baby alligator swimming into frame from right and descending to bottom and out of frame to the left. UNDERWATER MS PAN RIGHT to baby alligator swimming into frame from the right; baby alligator swimming to bottom and resting in area obscured by shadow. UNDERWATER MLS of baby alligator swimming into frame from the right and descending to bottom where it rests on sand; PAN LEFT to FOLLOW movements of baby alligator; trees and and sky above surface of water visible at beginning of shot. UNDERWATER MS of baby alligator crawling on bottom, TRAVELLING in and PAN to FOLLOW movements of baby alligator. (41455)