STK-ID 45682

MCU of two great egret chicks attempting to feed from adult great egret by grabbing and pulling at its beak. MS of two great egret chicks attempting to feed from adult great egret by grabbing and pulling at its beak; a third Great Egret chick sitting crumpled and motionless next to the others in a nest in a tree. MCU of crumpled, nearly motionless great egret chick in nest, TILT UP to two great egret chicks attempting to feed from adult by grabbing and pulling on its beak; TILT back DOWN to crumpled great egret chick. MCU of crumpled, weak great egret chick moving slightly in nest before it is brutally pecked by another great egret chick in nest; weak chick attempting to move a bit to the left of frame. MS of two great egret chicks in nest pecking at weak great egret chick; great egret chicks turning to attempt to feed from adult great egret; adult great egret walking away and out of frame; great egrets facing right of frame, in direction of adult great egret. MS three great egret chicks in nest; the weak, crumpled chick moving its wings a bit; one of the other two chicks pecking at weak one; third chick moving around in nest. MS of great egret chick pecking weak chick until it falls out of nest; adult great egret visible in background. MCU of left profile of great egret; egrets turning and shaking its head. (41496)


Extrait du film
National Geographic
Formats disponibles
Video Disque Digital, Digital Beta
Format de tournage
Betacam digital 4/3
Format de l'image