CU of ripples of water forming (water dance, prelude to mating); alligator raising its back to surface of water and then resubmerging it; more ripples being formed. MCU of back of alligator in water; alligator lowering its back into water and producing ripples of water (water dance, prelude to mating); alligator raising its back and tail and then resubmerging its back and tail, producing rippling water effect/water dance once again; PAN LEFT and TILT UP to alligator's face. MCU of alligator in water with its head raised, producing ripples of water on its back (water dance, prelude to mating). CU of ripples of water; after rippling ends, alligator's back becomes visible; alligator's back resubmerging and rippling occurs again; alligator's back resurfacing; ZOOM OUT to MCU of continued water rippling; PAN LEFT to face of alligator raised above water. MCU of rippling water effect/water dance (prelude to mating); alligator raising its back above surface of water, resubmerging and producing rippling water effect; this continues a few more times. MCU of back of alligator producing rippling water effect/water dance (prelude to mating); alligator repeating this action several times; ZOOM OUT to MS of alligator in water, tree hanging over it. (41503)