CU of man's feet, pickax swinging into dirt. MCU of Johan Reinhard working bent over. LS of man tossing bucket of dirt onto pile, PAN R to two men excavating. HA looking down into excavation pit, working moving dirt. CU of trowel full of dirt. MLS of team huddled around excavation pit, PAN R to second team excavating another area. CU of face of man wearing dust mask. Mountain and blue sky, TILT DOWN to excavators working in dirt, one man taping with video camera. CU of fingers gently pulling a small gold figurine out of the dirt and placing it onto a cloth. MS SA of Reinhard and second man squatting by rock pile. HA MCU OTS of Reinhard gesturing to skull poking out of dirt in excavation pit. CU of top of skull and hand pointing. MCU of Reinhard talking and pointing. CU of ceramic cups and bowls partially buried, TILT DOWN to buried figurine. CU of hands holding and measuring small figurine. MCU SA of kneeling man snapping photo. MCU of partially buried ceramic vase, PAN L to skull, DISSOLVE. (672)