STK-ID 45997

MLS of woolly false vampire bat hanging upside down in cave, eating what's probably a fruit bat head first. LS of woolly false vampire bat hanging upside down in cave, eating what's probably a fruit bat head first. MCU of hind leg of woolly false vampire clamped onto wall of well-lit cave, PAN DOWN to head of bat as it eats what is probably a fruit bat head first. Slow motion night MS of woolly false vampire bat holding onto wooden vine, suddenly flying off. Night MS of woolly false vampire bat hanging onto wooden vine and holding what is probably a fruit bat in its mouth. Slow motion night MS of woolly false vampire bat hanging onto wooden vine and holding what is probably a fruit bat in its mouth, suddenly flying off. Three night MCU of woolly false vampire bat struggling with dove that it's killed in tree. (41852)


Extrait du film
National Geographic
Formats disponibles
Video Disque Digital, Digital Beta
Format de tournage
Betacam digital 4/3
Format de l'image