Infrared MS of sharp-toothed common vampire bat hanging off stalactite over ledge in cave, suddenly two more bats land on ledge, sizing each other up in threatening manner, there's a brief standoff and then one of the bats flies over edge. Infrared MS of two sharp-toothed common vampire bats fighting each other rather vigorously on ledge in cave. Infrared MS of two sharp-toothed common vampire bats fighting each other rather vigorously on ledge in cave, stalagmites in foreground. Infrared CU of single sharp-toothed common vampire bat yawning as it hangs upside down, second bat becoming visible, hanging underneath first bat as it readjusts its position. Infrared MS of single sharp-toothed common vampire bat standing on cave floor, yawning and then hopping out of frame. (41959)