STK-ID 46568

HA/CU of army ants running across forest floor. HA/LS of army ants running on leaf littered forest floor. LS of army ants on branch. MS/MCU of army ants making bridge with their bodies. HA/LS of army ants on forest floor. HA/MCU of army ants on branch. HA/MS of army ants swarming on paper wasp nest. HA/CU of army ants trying to remove wasp larva from cell. MCU/CU of army ants removing larva. LS of army ants covering paper wasp nest on tree trunk. ZOOM IN to MCU of ants moving paper wasp larva. ECU of army ants (including huge mandibles). CU of army ants carrying paper wasp larva. MS of army ants carrying larvae down branch. CU PULL BACK to MS of army ants forming bivoac with their own bodies. CU of army ants in bivoac. CU of army ants carrying ant larvae. HA/LS of army ants in long swarm. (79)


Extrait du film
Costa Rica
National Geographic
Formats disponibles
Video Disque Digital, Digital Beta
Format de tournage
Betacam digital 4/3
Format de l'image