FADE to Denise diving. Denise shining light on gorgonian. FADE. Denise shining light on gorgonian. Denise taking photo of gorgonian. ZOOM IN to pygmy seahorse. CU of single pygmy seahorse. Denise taking photo of pygmy seahorse. CU of pygmy seahorse. CU of Denise's mask. Two pygmy seahorses. Single pygmy seahorse. Denise studying gorgonian. Pygmy seahorse climbing up gorgonian. Denise taking photo of gorgonian. CU of pygmy seahorse on gorgonian. UNDERWATER of Denise taking notes. Two pygmy seahorses dancing on gorgonians. Denise shining lights on gorgonian. CU of two pygmy seahorses. Two pygmy seahorses dancing. CU of two pygmy seahorses. CU of two pygmy seahorses. CU of pregnant pygmy seahorse. Still of pygmy seahorse (two shots). (768)