WS of procession of Masai walking. VAR of face of Tepilit Ole Saitoti being painted. WS of two men roping ox. MS of Saitoti walking in grass. CU of head of ox. VAR of men covering ox with blanket. CU of men sharpening knives. VAR of men slitting ox's throat, mixing blood with milk and honey beer. CU of face of elder. VAR of tribesmen drinking ox blood mixture. MCU of man sharpening knife. ECU of men cutting ox hide. CU of men slicing hide. VAR of men constructing grill and cooking ox meat over fire. WS of men sitting under tree. MWS of men sitting on grass. VAR of tribespeople watching Saitoti's father coming to bless him. CU of Saitoti blessed by meat. CU of faces of tribespeople. CU of Saitoti eating meat. (83)