WA of antelope ground squirrel on branch. Antelope ground squirrel on branch perch. CU of gila monster, POV back foot over camera, video shot. WA of antelope ground squirrel, gila monster below in background. CU of squirrel leaving branch. MS of squirrel running down branch. CU of squirrel landing on sandy ground. MS of squirrel running across frame. MCU of squirrel jumping over dead ocotillo. MS of squirrel running towards right. CU of squirrel running toward right. MCU of snake striking. CU of squirrel falling to ground. CU of antelope ground squirrel hitting ground, lying still. MCU of snake pulling back from strike. CU of snake waiting for venom to take effect. ECU of squirrel's dying gasp. CU of dead squirrel. MCU of snake prepping to eat squirrel. ECU of snake eating squirrel. CU of snake eating squirrel. CU of squirrel's body dragging along ground. ECU of snake sucking down squirrel. CU of body of snake contracting. ECU of eye of snake. MS of snake swallowing squirrel. MS of rattle snake finishing eating, reseting jaw. (223)