Butterfly fishermen raising their net (sun shining off water in background). Film crew as they film. MS of fire-eater in traffic, face painted white with skull symbol on hat. Man walking through marketplace, shaking woman's hand at display table. HA over shoulder of artist Rufino Tamayo drawing turtle and turning to camera. Homero Aridjis in butterfly sanctuary with boy and journalists. Subway train travelling in station, PAN to couple (Arturo Guerrero and Marisa Lara). Mexican flag on top of building; man also on roof, PAN to Zocalo Square, big crowd in square in front of another building. MCU of balloons in square and people walking around; woman and group throwing confetti at camera; man in sombrero cheering (child jumping in front of him). CU of man in hat. MCU of woman standing in busy square. (147)