WS of dogs running right through snow in forest. WS of Siberian tiger running right in snow. WS of men running right through snow in forest. ELS POV behind dogs chasing tiger through snow in forest. WS of men running right with guns and sticks through snow. ELS POV behind dogs chasing tiger in snow. WS of dogs chasing tiger through snow, trees in foreground. WS POV HANDHELD behind men chasing tiger during hunt. WS POV HANDHELD behind men chasing tiger in snow, pinning tiger down with sticks. CU of head of Siberian tiger pinned to ground in snow by men's sticks, TILT UP to men holding sticks, looking down at tiger. CU of Siberian tiger struggling against men's hands and forked stick in snow while looking at camera. ECU of head of tiger in snow being pinned down. (235)