AERIAL of Siberian tiger resting beside tree, POV inside helicopter OTS Bart aiming rifle at tiger. Exterior WS of helicopter, tail of helicopter in air. CU of branches blowing. AERIAL of Siberian tiger resting behind tree in snow, POV from helicopter OTS Bart aiming rifle. WS POV from helicopter door, TILT UP and DOWN tree. AERIAL POV from helicopter of tiger being darted in snow beside tree, running away from helicopter. WS of helicopter, Bart with rifle at door, exterior POV. AERIAL of tiger running up through snow and trees, ZOOM OUT from Bart at door with rifle, POV OTS Bart. AERIAL of tiger walking right through snow. AERIAL of Siberian tiger walking right through snow, POV OTS Bart at door of helicopter. AERIAL of snow, POV from helicopter door. (235)