STK-ID 76643

FI12779.004 MCLAREN HOMMAGE AT THE CINÉMATHÈQUE QUÉBECOISE. Positive Roll #1 C/C mute 16mm print from CREATIVE PROCESS: NORMAN MCLAREN with Sam Tata, Grant Munro and Tom Daly being interviewed by Susan Huycke. There is footage inside the auditorium of Co Hoedeman speaking and views of audience. The bits I (Don McWilliams) used of Munro and Daly in CREATIVE PROCESS were cut from this print. Positive 850 ft Roll #2. This too is mute and is of Grant Munro talking in the auditorium. 250 ft Sound is under the printing materials of Creative Processs: Norman McLaren.


Extrait du film
Norman McLaren's Archives and Personal Files
Collection McLaren